Bangkok Post SmartEdition

Casino curbs

Re: “Gambling with Thailand’s future,” (Business, Aug 13) and “After cannabis, govt takes step towards allowing casinos to operate,” (BP, July 27).

Having served on the trustee boards of casinos when they were first introduced in Australia and Singapore, I would suggest that a clear plan be decided first.

If there is concern about locals at the initial openings, the casinos could charge an entry fee for locals at first to deter those without the means to gamble. The entry fee can be scrapped once the authorities are happy with casino operations and their impact on society.

The real attraction is to boost tourist arrivals. Hence casinos must be limited in number and in major tourist hubs, near airports and not out in the middle of nowhere.

Refusing to allow casinos means either gamblers will travel elsewhere or they will gamble in the grey and black markets. Being Buddhist does not stop people from gambling. Better to have some control than none. The middle path should be observed. JOHN LAW





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