Bangkok Post SmartEdition

Battlefield decider

Re: “Is anyone going to win the Russian embargo game?” (Opinion, Aug 13).

Paul Krugman provides ample reasons why sanctions and embargoes do not work. The last sentence of his article that war in Ukraine will be decided on the battlefield is a bit scary.

As we all know, both the Soviet Union and the USA took turns waging their wars in Afghanistan. In the 1980s, the USA supported the mujahideen and provided them funding and arms to fight the Soviets. Both countries had to leave Afghanistan exhausted and defeated.

Yes Paul, the same thing will happen in Ukraine. This time it is the EU plus USA against Russia.

Just like Afghanistan, Ukraine is the only party that will be hurt in every possible way. Russians are paying the price of an unjust war.

Luckily, the Ukrainian people have good options to emigrate and flood Europe and the USA. Afghans are back to the future, so to speak. KULDEEP NAGI





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